FSDS To DXF File............


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Building The MDL

Pointers & Tips

Ok, here we go, the big moment..............

We have our project loaded into FSDS, we are happy with it and we think we're finished (I say think, cause sure as fate we've forgotten something).

I must point out at this time that you should be sure that you are finished as far as using FSDS.  Once your project is in GMax and you start animations and/or changing parts, you will lose all of your GMax work if you have to go back to FSDS and export again after changing something.  At the end of this tutorial under Pointers & Tips, I will suggest a way to avoid this problem and use a feature GMax supports.

Go to the Plugins menu in FSDS and select CVA_Export.tpi module (Refer to Pic 1).  A file save dialog should pop-up for you (Pic 2). As you can see here I am exporting my project as a DXF file.  I would recommend using a filename with no spaces just to be on the safe side.

 If all is well you should see a dialog box pop up that looks similar to Pic 3.

Onwards to the next step..................


step1.jpg (100095 bytes)
Pic 1

step2.jpg (92486 bytes)
Pic 2

step3.jpg (72003 bytes)
Pic 3