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Company: Cheesy Air    Flight Id: CA993    Flight Date: 2007-08-30    Pilot: Matt McColens | Bobcat
Aircraft Name:Cessna 206 Cargo
Aircraft Type:SEP
Departure Time:10:59:00 (05:59:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:11:00:00 (06:01:00 GMT)
Cargo:0 lbs
Flight Result:Perfect
Take-Off Weight:2621 lbs
Landing Weight:2619 lbs
Take-Off Fuel:109 lbs
Landing Fuel:107 lbs
Fuel Burn:2 kg
Total Distance:0 km
Total Time:00:02:11
Total Time Night:00:00:00
Total Airborn Time:00:01:31
Total Time On Ground:00:01:01
Max Altitude:9580ft
Cruise Speed:0 kt
Landing Speed:72 kt
Landing Pitch:1.28°
Touch Down:159.23 ft/mn
Captain Sent Mayday:1
Crash Flag:0
Passengers Opinion:2%
Passengers Opinion Text:--Are angry because they didn't reach their destination (flight too short).
-Were anxious because they flew over a war risk zone.
-Were terrified because of the problem during flight.
-Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
Failure Text:-The hydraulic system was hit by a ground shot resulting in total loss of all hydraulic systems.
Casualties Text:-
Pilot Bonus:1000
Pilot Bonus Text:-There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+150)
A serious problem occurred during flight but you landed safely, nice job. (+800)
Flying in a dangerous area and a safe landing. (+50)
Pilot Penality:300
Pilot Penality Text:-Forgetting to set the proper flaps during take-off is an extremely dangerous fault and does not show proper piloting skills. (-300)
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