Company: Cheesy Air Flight Id: CA272 Flight Date: 2007-06-08 Pilot: Trechan |
Aircraft Name: | Boeing 747-400 Paint1 |
Aircraft Type: | MEJ |
Departure: | EGCC - Manchester - United Kingdom |
Arrival: | EDDF - Frankfurt Main - Germany |
Departure Time: | 18:44:00 (17:44:00 GMT) |
Arrival Time: | 13:30:00 (11:30:00 GMT)
Passengers: | 0 |
Cargo: | 14998 lbs |
Flight Result: | Horrible |
Take-Off Weight: | 677187 lbs |
Landing Weight: | 635870 lbs |
Take-Off Fuel: | 268067 lbs |
Landing Fuel: | 224559 lbs |
Fuel Burn: | 43508 kg |
Total Distance: | 830 km |
Total Time: | 01:48:27 |
Total Time Night: | 00:00:00 |
Total Airborn Time: | 01:33:34 |
Total Time On Ground: | 00:16:09 |
Max Altitude: | 26082ft |
Cruise Speed: | 305 kt |
Landing Speed: | 247 kt |
Landing Pitch: | 4.67° |
Touch Down: | -1523.08 ft/mn |
Captain Sent Mayday: | 1 |
Crash Flag: | 0 |
Passengers Opinion: | 0% |
Passengers Opinion Text: | - |
Failure Text: | -The flaps were extended at excessive airspeed and were damaged. |
Casualties Text: | - |
Pilot Bonus: | 50 |
Pilot Bonus Text: | -There was a problem aboard and you declared an emergency. (+50 only you caused the problem)
Pilot Penality: | 1709 |
Pilot Penality Text: | -You made a serious pilot error that resulted in a critical problem. (-800)
You made a very hard landing at -1523 ft/mn and the tires sustained damage. (-400)
You have exceeded the flap speed limit by 35.93kts (-359)
You have exceeded the limit of 250kts below 10000 ft AMSL, but since you were conducting emergency procedures you will not receive a penalty.
Stalling an aircraft even with a problem aboard is NOT a good idea. (-150)
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