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Company: Cheesy Air    Flight Id: NAB190    Flight Date: 2006-07-29    Pilot: Joe|N121PP
Aircraft Name:Project SkyWorks CRJ-700 Noble Express
Aircraft Type:MEJ
Arrival:UHMD - Provideniya Bay - Russia
Departure Time:08:22:00 (17:23:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:08:03:00 (19:04:00 GMT)
Cargo:2123 lbs
Flight Result:Horrible
Take-Off Weight:68751 lbs
Landing Weight:60269 lbs
Take-Off Fuel:14805 lbs
Landing Fuel:6213 lbs
Fuel Burn:8592 kg
Total Distance:1 228 km
Total Time:01:41:06
Total Time Night:00:00:00
Total Airborn Time:01:40:17
Total Time On Ground:00:05:23
Max Altitude:35232ft
Cruise Speed:454 kt
Landing Speed:134 kt
Landing Pitch:-1.91°
Touch Down:-398.46 ft/mn
Captain Sent Mayday:0
Crash Flag:0
Passengers Opinion:82%
Passengers Opinion Text:--Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
-Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous landing.
Failure Text:-
Casualties Text:-
Pilot Bonus:30
Pilot Bonus Text:-You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Pilot Penality:670
Pilot Penality Text:-At arrival airport you rolled at 134 kt beyond the edge of the runway without any emergency. The landing gear sustained some damage and our company has received a fine of $1,474. (-670)
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