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LogBook of A319-100 IAE United Airlines N824UA,Cheesy Air
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Flight Nr Date Company Pilot From To PAX Type Time Result Bonus Penalty
QU527 2006-10-29 Cheesy Air Ben S. KDCA KLGA 124 MEJ 00:40:38 Perfect 200 0
VY188 2006-11-16 Cheesy Air Ben S. KLAX KSFO 124 MEJ 01:04:16 Perfect 174 0
QU481 2006-10-21 Cheesy Air Ben S. KOAK KSMF 124 MEJ 00:26:27 Perfect 250 0
ZS524 2007-03-17 Cheesy Air Ben S. KRIC KIAD 124 MEJ 00:33:56 Perfect 300 0
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